Data Types in Go

In Go (Golang), data types are used to specify the type of values that variables can hold or functions can return. Go is a statically-typed language, which means that you must explicitly declare the data type of a variable when you define it. The data types in Go can be categorized into several basic categories:

  1. Numeric Types:
    • int: Signed integers that can hold positive and negative whole numbers (e.g., -10, 0, 42).
    • uint: Unsigned integers that can only hold non-negative whole numbers (e.g., 0, 42).
    • float32, float64: Floating-point numbers with single and double precision (e.g., 3.14, 2.718).
    • complex64, complex128: Complex numbers with single and double precision (e.g., 2+3i, 1.5-2i).


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